Advanced Form Elements

Type options

Using input type="datetime"
Using input type="date"
Using input type="month"
Using input type="time"
Using input type="week"
Using input type="number"
Using input type="email"
Using input type="url"
Using input type="search"
Using input type="tel"
Using input type="color"

Basic file inputs

Input masks

Color & Time Picker

Date picker

Select Elements

Bootstrap Select boxes

Select box
Select boxes with Option groups
Multiple select boxes
With colored Button Classes

Bootstrap TouchSpin


Input Tags

Add data-role="tagsinput" to your input field & its automatically change it to a tags input.
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Select Tags
You can also use select multiple to your input field.
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Input Group Tags
You can also use group tag data-role="tagsinput" to your input field.
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iCheck - Checkbox & Radio Inputs

Basic Checkbox

Basic Checkbox Design Colors

Basic Checkbox Design Colors with Filled In

Basic Radio Button

Basic Radio Button Design Colors

Basic Radio Button Design Colors with Outline